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2D Takeoff

6 min read

Objective: In this video and/or step by step walkthrough, you’ll learn how to perform manual takeoff for area, length and count assembly types

Build Page

As we are working through these examples, please note it is best to view the video for on-screen demonstration

Navigate to your  Build Screen inside of a VECTOR Bid and select a Page in your Bid Tree on the left hand side

Ensure that all relevant Assemblies have been added to your Scenario and the Page in question

Ensure a Scale has been set for your background image on the Page

Length Assembly

Left click to highlight or select your Length Assembly

Length has automatically become enabled

Click the arrow to view a fly out menu of available options, then click Line Segment

Zoom & Select

Zoom into the area on the Background Image where you’d like to draw

Hover your mouse where you’d like the line segments to begin

Left click with your mouse to start the shape and drag your mouse to extend the line

Left click again at the point where you’re ready for the line segments to finish

Utilizing the Scale, you’ve now aggregated quantity to your Assembly

Continuous Line

Click Continuous Line

Hover your mouse where you would like the line to begin and left click

Extend the line by dragging your mouse

Left click again to draw a line with multiple segments

you can utilize our snap tool by checking the check box next to the word snap in the toolbar on the bottom the automatically connect with previously placed points

Deduct Line

A Deduct Line will deduct total quantity from your assembly

To help you draw straighter lines, you can utilize the Ortho functionality

Click the Ortho button on the bottom toolbar

Click the up arrow button to specify an angle at which to draw your line (default is 45 degrees)

Draw the Line

Hover your mouse where you would like the line to begin, then left click to start drawing your shape

Drag your mouse to extend the line, then double click or hit enter to end the shape

Note: When you drag your mouse you will see that only movements in 45 degree angles are accepted

Arc Line

Left click once at the base of your semi-circle to create a line

Drag the line to the other end of the base and left click again

This creates a responsive Arc that contracts or expands with the direction of your mouse

Once the Arc is in proper placement left click to finalize the placement

Area Assembly Drawing Tools

Select the Ceiling Assembly and the Area toolbar is now displayed

Select Rectangle

Draw a Rectangle

Place your mouse where you’d like the shapes to begin, then left click

Hold the left click and drag to extend your rectangle

Once the placement is finalized let go of your left click and the rectangle will finish

Polygon Tool

To draw a Polygon, left click to start forming the perimeter of your Polygon shape

Left quick again to draw a polyline representing the perimeter of your area shape

To end the shape hit enter on your keyboard or double click your mouse

Circle Tool

To place a Circle hover your mouse where you would like the circle to appear, left click, hold and drag

The Circle will expand and contract with the direction of your mouse

Let go of the left click to finalize the shape

Arc for Area Assemblies

To draw an Arc for Areas, left click to draw a line at the base of your semicircle and left link again to finalize the line

You’ll then get a responsive Arc with area fill that contracts or expands with the direction of your mouse

Left click once to finalize the Arc

Deduct Line for Area Assemblies

This tool functions the same as a polyline except it deducts length measurements from your Area Assembly

Count Assembly Tools

For this example, when we select the door assembly the Count option is automatically available

Click Count to activate it

Hover your mouse on the background image where you would like to place a count shape

Left click once and the count shape will appear on the screen

Measured Line

Click the Measure tool

Hover your mouse where you would like the line to begin

Left click once to start the line, then drag your mouse to extend it

Left click again to finalize your measured line