Objective: In this video and/or step by step walkthrough, you’ll learn how to delete and existing items in the item manager
Delete an Item
Click the Actions Button to the right of the item you want to delete
In this example, we want to delete Two Dumpsters
Then left click on Delete
Warning Pop Up Window
A warning pop up window will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete this record
If you are ready to delete, click Yes
Item Manager
After you click Yes, you will return to the Item Manager screen where Two Dumpsters has now been deleted
You cannot delete items currently being used in an estimate
If you try to delete an item currently being used in an estimate, when you click the Actions button, you will see that the Delete button is grayed out and you are not allowed to delete that item.
A message will appear that informs you that the Item is Being Used in an Assembly